How Mompops
Got Here
As a school teacher, I saw the rise in food allergies, dietary restrictions, and an increase in obesity and it became clear there was a problem that needed a solution. My son and I set out to create a snack that everyone could enjoy. We knew that the only answer was the ice-pop! Ice-pops are an American classic dating back to 1905. It's a snack that has always generated a smile and a reminder to people of fun and carefree times. We knew a simple, clean, portion controlled treat was the solution. Our ingredients are all natural. We use real fruit and do not use concentrates, dyes, or preservatives. We do not add cane sugar to our pops as they are sweetened with a dash of organic agave nectar. Each pop is gluten free, peanut free, dairy free, soy free, non-GMO, vegan certified, and kosher certified. Working closely with many schools and foundations have provided an amazing opportunity to spread the "Pop Love". We strive every day to put a smile on someone's face.
There are so many reasons to feel good about having a Mompop. Enjoy!
With Love,
Sandra & Issa